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If you retrieved the data with JVO portal and think it helpful for your research work, the following acknowledgment would be appreciated:

"[Part of] the data were retrieved from the JVO portal (http://jvo.nao.ac.jp/portal/) operated by ADC/NAOJ."

VO Search details image Summary
JVO portal VO search page version 2. You can access to the VO Crawler DB at THIS page or JVOSky. Older version of JVO portal (version 1) is linked from here.
Subaru Reduced Data Archive JVO Subaru Archive Summary
Download the reduced Subaru data. Suprime-Cam (HiPS), MOIRCS, HDS.
ALMA FITS Archive JVO ALMA Archive Summary
Search, View, and Download the ALMA data cube in FITS format. SV data, Archive, WebQL demo.
Nobeyama FITS Archive JVO Nobeyama Archive Summary
Search, View, and Download the Nobeyama data cube in FITS format. FUGIN, COMING, StarFormation, NRO FITS Archive.
Gaia Catalog Gaia Catalog Summary
Gaia related source catalogs. Gaia DR1, Gaia DR1 TGAS, Gaia DR2 Gaia EDR3 Gaia DR3
  • Reduced FITS images collected through open-use observation with NRO 45 m telescope are now available at NRO FITS Archive. These data were processed by CASA/pipeline.
  • Subaru HDS reduced data archive has been updated. 41,968 spectra processed by JVO HDS pipeline are now available.
  • FITS WebQL v5 is now in stable release.
  • Experimental version of XWebQL, a family of FITS WebQL supporting X-ray event files, is released. You can test it at XWebQL demo page.
  • The corrected version of vari_planetary_transit table and the Performance Verification tables are now available at the Gaia DR3 Catalog Download page.
  • An experimental version of FITS WebQL v5 is now available. ALMA FITS data in excess of 20 GB is delivered by FITS WebQL running on a PC cluster. As a result, the data display is extremely fast. This version also implements the ability to draw a P-V diagram. You can try it at FITS WebQL Demo page.
  • Gaia DR3 is now available at JVO portal.
  • ALMA line search service (experimental) is available at JVO ALMA FITS Archive.
  • Recovery of ALMA FITS archive was completed.
  • About half of data in ALMA FITS archive was lost due to the failure of storage system.Recovery is in progress.
  • Supplementary Gaia crossmatch catalogs with AllWise, APASS DR9, GSC2.3, RAVE DR5, 2MASS PSC+XSC are now available from the JVO Gaia XMatch catalog page.
  • Gaia data visualization service, Gaia EDR3 WebQL, is now available at JVO portal.
  • Gaia EDR3 is now available at JVO portal.
  • Subaru Suprime-Cam mosaic image archive was updated. All the images were processed by an updated pipeline.
  • Data of NRO 45m Legacy Project COMING was updated. New data for 15 galaxies were added, and data for 19 galaxies were updated.
  • Search I/F for VO Crawler DB is available at VO Crawler DB.
  • FITS WebQL button was implemented on the VO search result page. You can look at the FITS images found by the VO search interface using FITS WebQL. Try out MultiScope etc.
  • FITS WebQLv4 (Beta) was released. New feature "FITS Cube slicer" is available.
  • Gaia DR2 is now available at JVO portal.
  • The data of Nobeyama 45-m Legacy projects was released.
  • VO Search update: new VO search interface named JVOIndex and JVOExplorer are open to the public.
  • JVO ALMA FITS archive update: the BETA version 3 (renamed FITSWebQL) of the interactive ALMA WebQL is now avaialble.
  • JVO ALMA FITS archive update: Advanced Search GUI was implemented. You can search the data by specifying various criteria.
  • JVO ALMA FITS archive update: Functionality for filtering the projects list by their science category was implemented.
  • Subaru Suprim-Cam mosaic images were reprocessed with the most recent reduction pipeline for which mosaic success rate was improved. They are avaiable at: JVO Suprime-Cam mosaic image archive.
  • JVO portal top page and the VO search GUI was updated.
  • Subaru WebQL experimental version is available at data download page of JVO Suprime-Cam mosaic image archive. Try it with a sample image
  • ALMA WebQL v2 was updated.
  • Gaia source catalog is now availabe at JVO portal.
  • Subaru Suprime-Cam Archive was updated. All the data were reprocessed with the most recent data reduction pipeline.
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